
Kia ora tātou Congratulations and a huge THANKS to Miffy, Saskia, Jay and everyone else involved in our fantastic Santa parade float. We won the best overall float and looked amazing!
Kia ora tātou Wow, what a show! We are very proud of the performances of our students at our presentation of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. These productions give our students the opportunity to all be involved and express their dramatic talents, and stars to shine.
Kia ora tātou Everyone involved in our upcoming production has been working hard, and the performance from the students is sounding very good, so we hope you and your friends can make it along to see the show and enjoy “Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies” this week.
Kia ora tātou We have a number of events coming up in the last few weeks of Term 4 and I look forward to catching up with many of our whanau on those occasions
Kia ora tātou Term 4 is certainly a very busy time for us with camps, sports events, visitors and, of course, our school production. The students are sounding great during their practises and we are really looking forward to their performances at 11am and 6pm on 29th November and 6pm on 30th November. Tickets are now available from our school office for $5 per person.
Kia ora tātou Sprint trials will be held next Monday to select those to compete in the sprint events at Thames Valley Athletics.

Public Notices

Responding to Sea Level Rise in Moanataiari.

Kia ora tātou With the wild weather today, we officially started school at 10 am to try and avoid high tide flooding. Many thanks to those families who notified their absence before 10 am.
Kia ora tātou, Many thanks to everyone who came along and helped make our Pet Day such a fun experience.


Moanataiari School Under the Sea Ball
Kia ora tātou, We have a number of fun and fundraising events coming up.
Kia ora tātou, Welcome back everyone, to another busy school term.