
Newspaper Articles

Moanataiari School students can now compost all its organic matter thanks to a new compost system.
Kia ora tātou, Welcome back everyone. We trust you all had a restful break and are ready for another busy term.
Kia ora everyone, Just a few things that I wanted to share with you before the end of term, holidays are nearly here!
Kia ora tātou, Sadly, Sam Clarke from Room 2 is currently in Starship Hospital with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and will be there for some time. We would like to help the family out a little with travel expenses to and from Auckland, so we are holding a mufti day this Friday to show them our support. Please bring your donations to the school office this Friday.
Kia ora tātou, Many thanks to everyone who contributed very generously to our mufti collection for the Charles family. We collected $695 to pass on to their give-a-little page.
Kia ora tātou, Many thanks to everyone who purchased pies for our junior end of year event fund-raiser. We had another great response.

Newspaper Articles

The Thames Mountain Bike Club’s Big Bike Film Night returns on June 14. 
Kia ora tātou, We hope you all enjoyed the long weekend with King's Birthday on Monday and the Kāhui Ako teacher-only day on Tuesday.
Autumn is here in the garden, with a mix of clear, cold days and wet, foggy days. It’s been a difficult season for growing things in the garden because we’ve had a lot of dry, cold weather.

Newspaper Articles

Girls can play sports too – that’s what the Thames Football Club is hoping to highlight with its newest enterprise.

Newspaper Articles

Moanataiari School’s classrooms have undergone an identity change, bringing the whenua closer to the students.

Newspaper Articles

Primary school students from around the Thames region gathered at Pārāwai School in Thames on April 4 and 5, for the inter-school EPro-8 STEM – science, technology, engineering and maths competition.