Reporting to Parents

A written report is issued in term one - an initial report and term three - the final report. 

At present, the type of information provided in the report is as follows:

  • success and development in reading, writing and mathematics
  • student perspective and what your child feels they are doing well with and what they need help with
  • progress against national expectations
  • the level the student has demonstrated our school values
  • punctuality (getting to school on time) and attendance
  • general comments

We anticipate reviewing the format in 2021.

Learning conversations with your child’s teacher are offered at the end of Terms 1 and 3 each year.   This is an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in all areas.  We strongly encourage children to attend with their parents as this helps them to take some responsibility for their own learning while reinforcing the partnership between home and school.

Parents can also arrange a meeting with either their child’s teacher or the Principal at any time during the year.  If you are unsure of something or if you wish to discuss a matter concerning your child with the Class Teacher or Principal, we would ask you to call in or telephone to arrange a suitable time.  After school appointments are usually more convenient, as teachers are often preparing for class in the morning or attending a staff meeting.   An indication of what you would like to discuss would be welcome.