Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is made up of parent representatives elected every three years, staff representative, principal and can include members co-opted for specific purposes. It is the responsibility of the Board to see that the school runs well through the development of policies and budgeting for the best expenditure of the money received from the government.

The Principal and staff manage the school by carrying out Board policies and implementing the national curriculum in each subject.

Board members work hard in the best interests of the school and really appreciate useful feedback from the community as well as any help you can offer, such as turning up for working bees, mowing the school fields or carrying out minor maintenance tasks around the school.

1. Control and management of Government money given by the Ministry and donations by parents, in consultation with Principal and Staff.

2. The selection, employment and direction of school staff in consultation with the Principal.

3. Care and control of school buildings and grounds. This may mean working bees at school.

4. Co-operation with Principal and staff in all matters pertaining to the health and welfare of the teachers and pupils.

5. Active interest in developing an attractive environment e.g. tree planting, adventure play area.

6. Care and maintenance of school equipment and furniture.

7. Encouragement of sympathetic relations between parents and teachers and support of all activities organised to promote the welfare of the school and to maintain the interest of parents in the school.

Board meeting minutes are kept in the school office and are available to view.

The 2022 - 2025 Board of Trustees are:

Adam Bain

Health & Safety | Te Hauora me te Haumaru

[email protected]

Adam Bain

Health & Safety | Te Hauora me te Haumaru

[email protected]

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety representative assists the Board in issues connected to property and monitors as follows:

  • Accident and immunisation registers;
  • Evacuation practices and procedures;
  • Safe working conditions and school environment;
  • Safety action plans for class and school events.

David Brock

Principal | Tumuaki

[email protected]

David Brock

Principal | Tumuaki

[email protected]

To contact the Board please email [email protected] and mark Attention BoT

The BoT generally meet monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month.  For specific dates and times check the school app, school notices or email the office.

BoT meetings are public meetings meaning our community are welcome to attend the public component of the meeting in a listen only capacity.  Should you wish to speak to or present an item to the BoT please let the office know at least one week before the scheduled meeting.

Confirmed minutes of all meetings are available from the school office.

The Board of Trustees is made up from a group of parent elected representatives.  This group, including the Principal and Staff representative, are responsible for the governance of the school.

Jess Bevan

Communications Facilitator | Whakawhitiwhiti

Jess Bevan

Communications Facilitator | Whakawhitiwhiti

The Communications Facilitator will liaise, inform and provide information to the Moanataiari school and Thames communities in order to achieve the Board’s charter goals of:

  • Enhance the quality of communication, data management and decision making;
  • Promote the achievements and programmes of the school;

The Communications Facilitator also:

  • Implements and monitors a communications and media plan (in conjunction with the Principal to be ratified by the Board);
  • Ensures the website for Moanataiari School is current and up to date;
  • Liaises with any school groups, whanau and wider community;
  • Reports back to the community any significant decisions arising from Board meetings.

Joanne North

Minute Secretary | Hekeretari meneti

[email protected]

Joanne North

Minute Secretary | Hekeretari meneti

[email protected]

To provide administrative assistance, when required, for the Board of Trustees which includes:

  • Board meeting minutes

Pam Kruger

Staff Representative

[email protected]

Pam Kruger

Staff Representative

[email protected]

I have had the privilege of teaching at this school since 2009. The people make this school what it is - students, staff, parents and whanau.

People here are supportive, helpful and kind. Our school values play an important part in who we are here at Moanataiari School.

Walking into the school you will be made to feel welcome by our friendly school family.

I am currently Deputy Principal (DP) and over the years have taught in both the senior school as well as in the junior school. Teaching is my passion, and I love my job.

Ross Ashby

Property | Taonga

[email protected]

Ross Ashby

Property | Taonga

[email protected]


The Property Representative assists the Board in issues connected to property as follows:
Following up on specific project work to ensure positive outcomes for the school;

  • Ensures the school has a 5 Year Agreement and a 10 Year Property Plan in place and assists in monitoring this;
  • Communicates with the school’s caretaker, tradespeople and Ministry of Education;
  • Ensures school buildings meet legislation requirements.

Deputy Chairperson

The Deputy Chairperson has delegated authority to undertake the Chairperson’s role in the absence of the Chairperson.

Shana Allan

Chairperson | Te Poari Kaitiaki Heamana

[email protected]

Shana Allan

Chairperson | Te Poari Kaitiaki Heamana

[email protected]