Here at Moanataiari School preparing our students for their future is an exciting and important task which requires a vision of who we want our students to be and what we want them to become. In consultation with our community, our values were developed to ensure that our vision as a school and community is underpinned by values that enable us in achieving our potential.
As a community, we have identified and will focus on six fundamental values. The values that we have focussed on, we believe, are essential to the well-being of our children, the school community and the wider community at large.
When children leave Moanataiari School we want them to believe:

Manaakitanga - Caring
This refers to the values and culture of care and respect. Providing opportunities for students to offer support and kindness to each other is at the heart of developing potential.
Our environment values differences, demonstrating we care about how others think and feel. By doing this, we position our students to take risks and challenge themselves and their learning in a safe and inclusive environment.
Caring is one of the most important concepts for children to embrace and understand. If there is any one thing that is more important than all else, it would have to be kindness, tolerance and respect.
The role of student learners, ‘Early Words’ buddies and the role and attitude our teachers show each other, as well as parents and students, is Manaaki.

Manawaroa – Grit and Determination
We want our students to learn the necessary skills and the ability to keep trying to do something even when things are difficult or obstacles may get in the way.
We will support and encourage self-discipline in achieving personal and school-wide goals and when completing tasks.
Perseverance and striving for accuracy is key when carrying out and completing tasks.

Tino Pai Rawa – Do Our Best
We want all our students to achieve their best. Earlier ERO reviews said ‘High expectations for learning and behaviour are evident throughout the school.’
We are clear about our expectations for students, working with them and their families to ensure that every opportunity is given to ensure potential is reached and that each child experiences success.
Check out our full ERO review on their website – we are proud of what our school has achieved.

Ako – Teaching and Learning
Our Primary Focus is ‘Learning and growing together’ – “Kia tupu ngatahi ai e tātou”.
In classrooms at Moanataiari School you will see learning taking place in a variety of ways. We believe in fostering learning relationships that work both ways; between students and teachers, between parents or community members and of course between the students themselves within and across age groups.
Examples of this across our school can be seen in our new entrant - senior student mentor programme and community members, within regular classroom programmes and also between classes.
We encourage our students to take on the role of expert and experience the feeling of success that comes with this, but to also value the role of the learner and appreciate the knowledge of others.

Whakaute –Respect
Each one of us, child or adult, is an individual, who brings with us a wealth of knowledge and experiences.
Here at Moanataiari we strive to get to know our students and families, to ensure we acknowledge the uniqueness each brings to our school community.

Whakawhanaungatanga – Connecting and Including
At Moanataiari we understand success is built upon strong relationships; partnerships between our school, our community and our students. We understand the importance of getting to know our students including their families and working together to help achieve success for individuals and as a group.
The most important of these relationships are formed with our students and their families, while extending to our wider community and the agencies within it. We want our families to feel welcome and included, resulting in productive, positive relationships.
We invite our families to be part of student learning and celebrations in ways such as parent teacher learning conversations, school assemblies, sporting events, external trips, camps and family fun nights.
As a school we will provide many opportunities to practise and show case these values but at its most fundamental level, the development of values, has to be in partnership with the home.
Within the staff we see the importance of modelling these values and the importance of fostering an effective, interdependent community, striving to achieve our common goals. There is a culture of teamwork. Together Everybody Achieves More.
Students need to identify with and take pride in their school community. They also need to realise that in life there are consequences related to the way we act both positive and negative.
At Moanataiari School, we have made explicit links from our core values to the behavioural expectations and rules that we hold within the school. This is the standard we use for all classes.