Kia ora tātou,
Another school term has flown by and we finish Term 3 this Friday. I trust you all have a restful break and look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 14 October.
Kia ora tātou,
With our Term 3 student learning conferences coming up shortly, we hope to catch up with as many parents and caregivers as possible. So please make your booking on the SkoolLoop app, or contact our office for us to make the booking for you.
Kia ora tātou,
Invitation to Participate in School Policy Review.
Our school is very happy to inform you that we have partnered with SchoolDocs to create a dedicated website for our policies and procedures. The site is live and accessible to our school community. SchoolDocs provides a comprehensive set of policies that are thoroughly researched and aligned with the National Education and Learning Priorities. These policies are tailored to our school's specific needs, including our charter and procedures for behaviour management and reporting to parents.
Kia ora tātou,
It’s great to be back at school after my recent bout of Covid, and I look forward to catching up with many of you at our whakatau this Friday.