Monday 10th March 2025

Kia ora tātou,

A huge thank you to everyone who helped at our last minute working bee the other weekend. It has made a great improvement to our grounds.

Thank you also to all of our helpers at our recent senior swimming sports.

Welcome back to Miss Hinds-Haye. Louise will be working in Room 1 Moanataiari with Kirsty Bain in a job share role. They will be working week on, week off, with Louise starting next week.

We are aware of some parents/caregivers using our neighbours' driveways (parking in and across driveways), which makes it extremely difficult for them to get in and out. Please be mindful when parking around our school. We also often see people parking or stopping on yellow lines. Please avoid this as well. Broken yellow lines are placed in areas where parking would cause an obstruction or danger to other road users and pedestrians. You cannot stop, wait or park at any time where there are broken yellow lines. There are many parking spaces around our school that can be used, so please park or stop safely at all times.

Our caretaker, Colleen, recently resigned so we are looking for a new caretaker. Please see our advertisement in this newsletter for further details if you would like to apply, or know of someone suitable.

David Brock, Principal – Tumuaki

March 10.pdf1.26 MB