
Kia ora tātou, We apologise for the delay in this week’s newsletter being issued.

Public Notices

Moanataiari School Under the Sea Ball Fundraiser
Kia ora tātou Congratulations to our speech competition placegetters. In the Year 7&8 group Lilly Donaldson placed first, second was Cleo Challis, and highly commended was Sapphire Taurua-Stoneham. In the Year 5&6 group Khloe Donaldson placed first,second was Katelyn Sem, and Isla Higgs was highly commended. Well done to all of you.
Kia ora tātou I trust you all had an enjoyable mid-term break and are feeling refreshed and ready for the rest of this busy term.
Kia ora tātou Please note that we will be finishing school this Thursday at 12 noon for our teachers to participate in professional development.

Public Notices

Social Media, Cyber-Bullying and Digital Safety.

Kia ora tātou Thank you to all those people who supported our last Disco. $922.39 was raised, which will be split between the upcoming camps for our senior and middle school, and the day trip for the juniors.
Kia ora tātou This Friday we are holding a whakatau at 1.30pm to welcome our new students and families. We will also be blessing our wonderful new sculpture, the gardens, the new covered court, and new toilet block.
Kia ora tātou This Wednesday, our seniors are off to the science roadshow in Thames. This is a great opportunity for hands-on experiments and information to inspire our students.
Kia ora tātou, We hope all our students had a relaxing and fun break and are now ready for Term 3.
Kia ora tātou Congratulations to our winners and place-getters at the Thames Gymfest last week. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this a very successful event for our students, especially Lisa Donaldson and Sheryl Benseman.
Kia ora tātou, Many thanks to everyone who assisted our students at the Rippa Rugby tournament last week.